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Time To Dispense With The Echr......

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ToraToraTora | 09:08 Wed 15th Jun 2022 | News
34 Answers
After last nights episode, we should leave and create our own HR law, we had common sense before. Now we have "human rights" for all manner of low life being used to suppress the human rights of the law abiding tax payer. We need to ditch our involvement pronto. What say you?


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Well over time to ditch it and create separate UK HR legislation that is actually to do with HR.
15:01 Wed 15th Jun 2022
Yes. We need a court that only treats people we approve of as human.
What say I? I say I'd be very wary of any HR laws created by a UK government.

" ... What am earth am I to do"

People banned from entering Russia are asking themselves the same question :-)
It's worth noting that the UK courts only acquiesced on the assurance that migrants could be returned to this country if need be
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09.54 Corby They are both best ignored, especially the pathetic little fan boy.
Well over time to ditch it and create separate UK HR legislation that is actually to do with HR.
Poor Johnson and co.

Maybe they should go and eat worms.

Infamy, infamy etc.

Shambolic bawbags.
'why TF should we still be subject to the anti Human rights organ, the ECHR?'

I dunno. Did you not read the Brexit smallprint?
"we are not in the EUSSR, why TF should we still be subject to the anti Human rights organ, the ECHR?"

Feel free to correct me but perhaps it's because the European Court of Human Rights has no connexion at all with the EU?
we have had this before ( so what ? no one reads my posts). This court ( as the Beebster said 6 o'clock) has nothing to do with the EU.

It has to do with our signing the 1951 Refugee treaty

we have to abrogate the treaty ( = tell it and them to poss off in AB speak) - so what, the PM abrogated an irish treaty last week and a European treaty a few years ago

er that is about it
corbo is completely right
so no one is going to listen to him then
// I dunno. Did you not read the Brexit smallprint?//

yes a bit. It shouldnt be in the small print. Its isnt anyting to do with brexit. Heigh ho AB votes massively that it does
'under Title II: Basis for Cooperation, Article COMPROV.4: Democracy, rule of law and human rights, "1. The Parties shall continue to uphold the shared values and principles of democracy, the rule of law, and respect for human rights, which underpin their domestic and international policies. In that regard, the Parties reaffirm their respect for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the international human rights treaties to which they are parties". Eagle-eyed readers will note; however, the agreement does not specifically mention the ECHR, but this is what is referred to as one of the international treaties to which they are parties.'

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