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a bit like you

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boink | 17:24 Fri 22nd Sep 2006 | Music
3 Answers
Hi ive been trying for ages to find a song played on radio 1 on i think saturday the 15th of august 1998, it was on the radio show before pete tong i think, so probably around 3-6 in the afternoon. i dont expect anyone will be able to find it from that description by the way. any way ive found a poem that has the same lyrics as the song but never the actual song, or an reference to a song. the poem is here and has the same words as the song .shtml

in the song Marilyn Monroe was changed to Carol Vorderman (sp?). and i think the dj said it was by a group called wobbleyou, or thats how it sounded.

any help would be great! ty


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The group were called Wubble-U and the song, as you say, "A Bit Like You".
...boink, 6 years of searching and within 20 mins ...ta-dah !a good ol' answer banker tells you the that's what I call impressive...
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fastest response ever, really didnt expect an answer at all, ty jenstar

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a bit like you

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