A friend of mine messaged me the other day to say that she had been considering asking her doctor for HRT, but then someone sent her a link which said that most HRT’s increase your chance of getting breast cancer, and she sent me this link to read. I’d never heard of that so I said I’d ask on here what peoples thoughts were on this, and if it’s true at all.
I've had breast cancer twice Smow, I cannot take HRT for the menopause, I'm currently taking part in a study with one of the hospitals trying Citalopram instead of HRT for menopausal symptoms and they suggest gebantin at night, I can't take that (neither could you) as people with Osteopenia it is not good for
I think with any medicine you are running a risk something else happening, Hormone replacement therapy is just that, hormones and it is the Estrogen that would trigger my cancers. It would be worth asking your gp or gynae about transdermal HRT
I was thinking Smow, if you are on instagram, give Dr Nighat Arif (drnighatarif) a follow, she is often on This Morning with Holly and the other lad, but she is very pro womens health I find her tiktok's and reels very helpful