Why can't I add an answer? in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Why can't I add an answer?

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Figi | 15:02 Wed 20th Sep 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Why, when I click on "Post an answer" am I not getting a box in which to type???????
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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You need to log in then you can post your answer
Question Author
I am logged in just like I was before. This time I get a box, last time I didn't. Is this completely random?
probably just doesn't like you today!
When you're logged in the red box above the topics list should say "Welcome back Figi". If it doesn't your automatic log-in hasn't worked - it's a bit hit-and-miss sometimes.
Figi Thanks for the recent support on the issue of not asking questions too early. I found that being only mildly critical of "certain people" always brings an angry reply. I notice that your name is in green ( a new member). My advice is to stay clear of petty politics!

I'll keep an eye out for your name and any time I can help - I will! On the whole ABers are not a bad bunch. Regards.
Question Author
Thanks Crofter! I do wish this site had the facility to send Private Messages to members like another Quizzing site I frequent. Or maybe I've missed something?
It's a completely open forum. I tend to find an obsolete posting and hope that it's private!

Apparently you can divulge your own personal deatails but cannot probe for the personal details of others. It seems to work well!

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Why can't I add an answer?

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