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Activities For Those With Alzheimers

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Barquentine | 08:18 Tue 05th Jul 2022 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
Can anyone provide a list of engaging activities for a person who stays home all the time and is withdrawn and disengaged. If we can think of something that might stimulate her interest maybe her days will be less dull sitting in front of and not watching the TV.


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maybe her days aren't dull to her?
but singing i reckon
Can she use a laptop/tablet? Separate to that a lot of old fashioned pastimes still bring a lot of pleasure to some eg jigsaws, playing various single player card games, colouring books for adults, knitting and sewing etc if she can.
I have a huge collection of photos and images relating to my oldsters past - they are not necessarily directly related to them but they trigger memories of school, playing on old fashioned park swings, shops, trams, fashion, film stars, the kitchen equipment and household items they had, the food they ate.
They enjoy looking at these with us, they trigger nostalgia and discussions.
Art such as painting, they also like making scenes with fuzzy felts. Coloured pencils for colouring books.
Seated exercise to music.
Sorting out the button tin can take an hour, it seems to be very absorbing.
Help with the housework - pairing socks, polishing shoes.

It is no good leaving them to get on with it, it is the company they enjoy whilst they are doing things.
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My neighbour was recently diagnosed with this disease. Not sure how it was arranged but her daughter came round with the Activities Manager from our local Council who asked her what interests she had and was going to see what she could find for her with people that had similiar problems. She also was going to look into a rebate for Council tax. She mentioned that at some point she could arrange a carer to come in once a month to check on her and see what she needed.
Not an activity I know but do you know about twiddlemuffs for those with Alzheimer's or dementia?
^^^ In case Gness's post is found to be in need of explanation:
Thank you, Chris... :-)
Singing, dancing videos?
I knew someone like this who used to suddenly come alive when she heard music. Started waving her arms in the air..
Some like a dolly like baby to hold and talk to..
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Many thanks to everyone for these great ideas.

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