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Gone Fishing

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Rondy | 14:14 Fri 08th Jul 2022 | Jokes
3 Answers
Ernie had an awful day fishing, sitting on the lake all day without a single bite. On his way home, he stopped at the supermarket and ordered four very large fish. He told the fish salesman, "Pick out the four largest ones and throw them at me, will you?"

"Ok. But, why do you want me to throw them at you?"

"Because I want to tell my wife that I caught them."


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Don't wanna be crabby, halibut definitely not one of your best, Rondy. Quite carp, almost a load of old cod. My first thought was, "Eel have to do batter than this, he's floundering. Carry on with jokes like this and you'll have haddock your chips.
Don't fret, though, salmon will be along later to say it was funny.
Abalone could allow such a joke

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