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What do certain foods taste like???

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justasking | 01:45 Mon 25th Sep 2006 | Food & Drink
2 Answers
Do you know if there are any websites that tell you what certain foods taste like? I am a very fussy eater but if i had an idea of what something tastes like i might be more willing to try it.


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That's a real shame,.

You are missing out on some great tastes and foodstuffs by being so fussy.

You won't be poisoned so try everything you get the chance to.

If you stick to only certain flavours, tastes and textures you won't develop your palat.

Go on! Be brave!
If you were told something "tastes like chicken"-what would be the point in eating it all? Just eat chicken. I cant see how a description of a flavour could ever do a food justice. As Ethel says-just dont be scared to try new foods. You might be surprised. I hated mushrooms as a kid but love them now!

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What do certain foods taste like???

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