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A Theory

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Bobbisox1 | 22:17 Sat 23rd Jul 2022 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Are you a Summer,Winter,Autumn or Spring baby?
Does the season you were born govern how you feel in the dark/ light nights?


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That's quite an interesting question. I was born in November and much prefer the darker nights with the curtains drawn at 5pm.
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Rocky me too ( November) I love the cosiness of being in with the blinds and curtains closed and a fire on
As an Autumn babe, I much prefer the hot summer & I hate being cold.
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But do you love the colours of Autumn Sharon, the reds and golds of the leaves?
I was born in April and love Spring/Summer.
The theory is holding up.
I was born in July and like spring/autumn best.
I was born in March and joined the army where i did plenty of marching:-)
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Mmm, wonder if those born in Spring get by like Zebadee instead of walking they spring along :0((
That’s for Ken ;)
I love the changing seasons. They're one of the reasons I like living in the UK rather than, say, Singapore.
Bobbi, not many trees here to turn red & gold!! But yes it is nice.
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Ellipses don’t you find we have no seasons here anymore?
They all seem to roll into one year
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We’re surrounded by them Sharon, bit messy when they shed their leaves mind ya :0(
I think this holds as much water as the rhyme - Monday's child is fair of face, Tuesday's child is full of grace etc.
I was born in winter and detest everything about the season.
The light still changes through the year, the trees still change colour and lose their leaves, we've had the Beast from the East and other really cold winters, but I do agree that there are many unseasonal days and a certain degree of blurring ... the climate is definitely changing, and the seasons with it.
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Davebro , never have I suggested it was the case, I’m just curious to find out
Born at the end of October but happiest in Spring and really dislike the dark cold winters.

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