Books & Authors0 min ago
Planning Permission
4 Answers
Do you think the windows in the link would need planning permission?
https:/ / images/ search? view=de tailV2& amp;cci d=wWJIc oS%2b&a mp;id=4 669FB4C 2CF6E9D E28EA0F 59E7758 DC86F49 62A8&am p;thid= OIP.wWJ IcoS-gH ZQG5uDm 7_z7wHa Ha& mediaur l=https %3a%2f% 2fstati c.roofi ngsuper store.c u%2fpro d%2fl%2 fvelux- dormer- solutio n-h3b5a ylebj.j pg& cdnurl= https%3 a%2f%2f .com%2f th%2fid %2fR.c1 6248728 4be8076 501b9b8 39bbff3 ef%3fri k%3dqGJ Jb8iNde dZDw%26 pid%3dI mgRaw%2 6r%3d0& amp;exp h=800&a mp;expw =800&am p;q=vel ux+ebw+ mk06+20 32bk&am p;simid =608031 8461347 11373&a mp;FORM =IRPRST &ck =E49B96 52E70A3 1DFF848 A2C36C6 7B3F9&a mp;sele ctedInd ex=0&am p;idpp= overlay view&am p;ajaxh ist=0&a mp;ajax serp=0
Best Answer
No best answer has yet been selected by rockyracoon. Once a best answer has been selected, it will be shown here.
For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.This website is co-funded by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities, meaning that the information on it can be regarded as 'official':
https:/ / anningp ortal.c rmissio n/commo n-proje cts/roo f/roof- plannin g-permi ssion
Best to ask your local planning authority. No-one here can give you a proper answer. Why do you come here? It's the LPA who are in charge. Is it your proposal, or is it your neighbour's? Has it yet been built, or is it just proposed? Is it on a Listed Building? Too many unknown factors, which the LPA would know all about, but no-one here has a clue.