my sister inlaw camme out with this when we was on holiday i asked what the hell is a gist she could'nt answer,i think she's made it up ? am i right or what dose it mean
oh, that's interesting mangetout - I know what it feels like, I regret to say, but I didn't know there was a word for it. It isn't in my dictionary so I suspect it's regional, but maybe it should be better known!
jno,spell mangetoute with out the e if you wish it's cool,and yes it proberbly is regional i'm up here in leeds and i've heard it all my life,sufferd it quite a few times mostley after one two many,but its also like when you get heart burn that jumps into the throat.
yes, I think that's what they call acid reflux (happens at night when you're sleeping sometimes too, without the aid of alcohol). I take pills for it because my dentist says it eats away at the back of my teeth, or what teeth I have left, if it gets as far as my mouth. Gip, I'll remember that.
dont get me started with the reflux,my god i'm sick to death of my doctor telling me "itsacid reflux" i've just been for a breath test for that stomach bug helibactor what ever,then we will see whats what.
jno ,0050 this morning was you awake due to acid reflux or are you a fellow shift worker.gist is not the correct word,oldwoman suggested it was gissy as in full as a gissy pig ,to over eat stuff your face full and end up with heart burn or acid reflux as it is known in the trade.comprende.
funny how you can tell a shift worker eh,i work nights so some we/ends i'm up all hours,been trying to get some sleep this aft to turn around but failed misserably(no thats not af french sounding musical)
i feel like avampire sometimes,i don't like strong sunlight when i get up,but i would'nt mind one of those vampires from vanhellsing huba huba.well only two 1/2 shifts to go,then its nearly the w/end whoppie do.