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Should I Take This Job ?

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abbeyleigh | 19:25 Thu 08th Sep 2022 | Jobs & Education
20 Answers
I went for an interview today and feel positive he said he would offer me the job now if he could. It for Receptionist/admin Assistant position some duties some I struggled with my last job so I don't know completely what to do as basically I will be thrown in the deep end.


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They'll have to take you through the way they expect you to carry out the job, who does what and what goes where. If you take the job and are unsure about something, just ask but make sure you write down the answers in a way you'll understand days or weeks later to avoid having to ask again and again. I've made notes before that I understand at the time but later I've...
19:43 Thu 08th Sep 2022
Did you tell them that you have no experience?

They might be willing to train you, that would be ideal.

Have you considered doing a college course that will give you the training that you need. It will make you feel more confident too.

Question Author
Yeah only basic admin skills I got experience in and they taking a junior aswell
Go for it Abbey!
You will grow into the job.
Abbey - not quite sure what you mean by stating "he would offer me the job now if he could" - so why didn't he? I agree with what Wolf63 has told you above.
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That he wasn't meant to be interviewing boss was held up so he will feedback to him
I hope the position doesn't involve any typing skills.
They'll have to take you through the way they expect you to carry out the job, who does what and what goes where.

If you take the job and are unsure about something, just ask but make sure you write down the answers in a way you'll understand days or weeks later to avoid having to ask again and again.

I've made notes before that I understand at the time but later I've not been able to read, let alone follow them.
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Taking phone calls and appointments
You can do that.
Do you still work at McDonalds, Abbey? Office work is a bit different!
Were you aware of the duties when you applied for the job. if so and your now wondering wheather the duties suit you then am not sure why you applied. Think about why you applied and take it if you get it
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I know I've done office work and retail before
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It sounds different on job description then what I was told in interview
Katherine will not (but no doubt will be thought to be) Princess Katherine/Kate when William becomes Prince of Wales.

Baroness Marie-Christine von Reibnit is better known as Princess Michael because she married Prince Michael of Kent.

When William becomes Prince of Wales, his wife will be, "Princess of Wales", "Katherine, Princess of Wales" or "Princess William" but not "Princess Katherine".
My answer was so interesting, I thought I should let you know too...
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Also should I have told them I got a holiday booked for 28th September
Yes, you should have.
Well, yes you should have told them about the holiday, it is the honest and open thing to do. That may make them change their minds if they do offer you the job. Otherwise - OK you struggled with some similar aspects in a previous job, but that means that now you start with some experience and at least know some pitfalls to avoid so that's a positive.
Wait until they do offer you the job. No point in counting your chickens before they are hatched.
-- answer removed --

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