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Wondering .

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weecalf | 08:30 Sat 17th Sep 2022 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Just thinking that a high percentage of our talkings to other people involve questions . Would that be a fair assessment ?


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Have you just proved a point? :-)
Am I Right ?
I'm not Wrong !
Unless you know everything, then it would be a statement
We often kick off with a question
“How are you?”

It would be a good way to be were it true and maybe it is
The invariable reply . ( fine thanks ).
Other people on here or elsewhere?
Conversations are usually done to find out information about something you are interested in. Unless the other person can read your mind, and tells you everything you want to know up front, then the quickest way is to ask them what you want to know. And answers also contain questions.
It quickens the spread of knowledge very efficiently.

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Wondering .

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