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Can’t Sleep

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Redhelen72 | 00:41 Sat 17th Sep 2022 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Not sure if it’s jet lag or sadness.
Went to sleep at my normal time but now wide awake.
In my old house I would have baked or made cheese but can’t in the cottage as he would be able to hear me!
So sitting here with a hot drink and my knitting but even that isn’t comforting me.


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Can’t sleep either RH, so sending you a big hug xx
When I had 2 cats one was killed hit by a car. The other wandered about making awful noises for days. One day we found her lying under a tree where the cat was buried. But since been told if you have 2 cats and one dies you should always let the other see it.
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I had 3 cats giggsie, the girls tolerated him, but Jess my darling girl (black lab) is missing him dreadfully as they always slept together
Red, we have three cats and a dog. Our feral Rambo oftens leeps on our bed with Poppy the dog. The two girls Missy and Tilly tolerate him but wouldn't care if he disappeared. So snap!
Giggsie's story reminded me of our Mitzi who passed away last September at age 21. When our other cat, Pebby, died, we buried her in the garden and Mitzi came down to watch the proceedings. From then on, she always lay beside Pebby's grave as if on guard!
Sleeps, not leeps
You’ve suffered the loss of a much loved pet. Of course you won’t sleep at the moment. You will when you’re ready.

Sending hugs through the internet x
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Thanks all.
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I found out that he died on Wednesday evening and a kind soul lifted him off the road and onto the verge.
The kindness the gent showed will stay with me forever, he said it looked like he was sleeping .
I can understand that red mine were always together and the wailing everyday really got to me.But after she lay under the tree ended that.
Hazlinny exactly think that’s what the think dumb animals ??

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