Still looking at the ritual
after the shock the King (first day at work) had, at being forced to uphold two faiths by oath ( both Christian) before he had even started on Islam, Sikh, Shinto, Buddhism, Sun worship, Snake charming, etc,
the gi.rls had to look like , well NOT to look like devout Catholic widows. Hats but no veils - no no - Eugenie had a net veil, unseen from afar (*). The atheists amongst them, ( would that be all?) had to wipe off the "what am I doing here?" look from their faces. Would they bow, cross, curtsey, genuflect ?
I felt sorry for the 14 y old - out of step. all the way. There is an NCO making sure the service Princes are turned out correctly. I speculated that the WO ( warrant officer ) in charge of Household Outside Procedure - or WHOOP, (+) offered to teach him, and he did a Kevin in return. "Oh God I am 14 and no one understands, I want some respect. what does it matter? chrissakes"
(*) she is married to a Papist isnt she?
(+) I thought Warrant Officer (Protocol) may not be respectful.
Most of my mother's grandchildren did theatrical karate kicks and beyonce mimes during her funeral
Prince Edwards youngest was present on the side lines