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P.a.y.g Gas Top-Up

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pastafreak | 15:18 Tue 27th Sep 2022 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Will new charges come into effect on funds already in metre, or on next top-up?


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Never thought along those lines, Pasta. Interesting
I thought that it would be like the previous increase, take effect immediately irrespective of how much credit is there.
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That's pretty much what I hoped, but I'm not sure how to find out for sure.
I'm not concerned so much with electric, it's the gas that's shooting up the most.
My eyes watered when I read email from my supplier re the gas. Does your supplier have a live chat thingy to use?
This was discussed prior to the rise in April.

Some companies said the rise would apply only from the first top-up after the rise but later went back on that.

The best thing to do is contact your supplier.
I don't know the answer but I'd expect the companies to be like road fuel suppliers and jack up the price as soon as possible, maybe giving some convoluted and perverse reason for getting in early.

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P.a.y.g Gas Top-Up

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