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Bath To Shower

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jennyjoan | 08:22 Fri 02nd Sep 2022 | Home & Garden
23 Answers
I am going to have to think about this as I am a little nervous stepping over the bath to get the shower.

I will be going for the full length (of the bath) shower so that I need to I can put "aids" in ie like a little chair and grab handles.

I don't want my floor to be touched as it was very expensive a few years ago - also I am happy enough with the power of the shower in having said that it is old.

Won't be thinking of doing this until the new year. But would love to hear of any advice or unusual things to be used in the shower - really nice fancy shower door etc.



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My MIL did just this.
Spoke to help the aged who recommended a company paid 6 grand and has a huge shower on the bath footprint.
was that help the aged or sting the aged?
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