The Lost King in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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The Lost King

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FatticusInch | 19:04 Sun 09th Oct 2022 | Film, Media & TV
15 Answers
What a brilliant film! Though most of the story is known as a result of the recent find I had no idea that it was down to the tenacity of one woman and not Leicester University as I’d been led to believe.
It also dispelled many of the myths surrounding Richard III too.
I’d recommend it to anyone, it’s the feel good movie of the year.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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is it racist at all?
how are the Scots portrayed?
Davebro; don't be provocative for personal reasons.
tit for tat
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//how are the Scots portrayed?//

There are a lot of Scots in it, many scenes shot in Edinburgh, Steve Coogan does a good Scottish accent, but then accents and impersonations are his forte.
Go and watch it, you’ll learn a lot.
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/Philippa Langley conceived, facilitated and commissioned the quest for King Richard III’s lost grave as part of her ongoing research into history’s most controversial monarch. Her Looking For Richard Project marked the first ever search for the grave of an anointed King of England, and was made into the award winning TV documentary The King in the Car Park for Channel 4. The documentary became Channel 4’s highest rated specialist factual show in its thirty year history garnering a combined audience of over 6 million.
Philippa is a writer/producer and President of the Scottish Branch of the Richard III Society, receiving the Society’s highest accolade, the Robert Hamblin Award, for finding the remains of Richard III./

Hope that answers your question Davebro. Lol.

// I had no idea that it was down to the tenacity of one woman//

That'll be the hero of the film, the lovely, woke Philippa, I suppose. Who, despite having no qualifications, single handedly, took on and beat the stodgy archaeological establishment and the middle-aged, white patriarchy of academia.
Then went on to modestly write the book upon which the film is based.
Haven't seen it, MrF, so I'll take your word for it.
//Davebro; don't be provocative for personal reasons. //

No, Dave. Be provocative for other reasons. ;o)
And keep your tits to yourself, thank-you.
yeah foo fatts - it is a film
Leddy doesnt like it - - leddy who - - the leddy who found Ricardo. She doesnt like how she is portrayed or how the glory is shared out.

it is a film - Daughter of Time by Josephine Tay is good.

It has the drawbacks of any bio-history. Gandhi - who was not alive in 1485, my brudda said: I didnt realise that it was all true! foo
My muvva ( British Raj ) said - some of it isnt
or 1941 film about the Battle of Britain, they didnt show integrated radar which HAD won the war and said it was the Observer Corps ( who were peripheral)
and as for the AWFUL saints and sinner film series - about the massacre of the observer corps at Malmedy 1945. There are survivors who immediately tell Patton but in the film they wander around the countryside and pick up an RAF airman on the way

yeah but no but Fatts you really knew that after that film where John Wayne WINS the vietnam war

an old leddy 1485 as Richard III crossed the bridge into Leicester said - "and when you return, your head will knock against the parapet!"
and after the battle
the king was over a horse and as the horse clomped over the bridge - his head smacked against a bridge support

and then he was buried in a common grave

There you are punters, you learnt more about contemporary gossip ( 1485 that is!) concerning RIchard III than in ALL of the other ten posts
dave is raising very important contemporary points
why dooesnt RIchard III use a mobile to call up reinforcements and so on
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Site gets worse by the day, I’ll certainly not bother posting again about anything I’ve seen in the cinema, it’s pointless.
Well said, Fatticus.
They don't understand that it's different when you're the one dishing it out.
not sure if John Wayne did win the Vietnam war, PP - the film's noticeable for having the sun set in the east, as I recall. He probably just captured Malibu.

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