For some years now I have used iCloud storage for my wife and myself. It is a small sum per month, 79 pence each I think.
Now I have a communication from advising me that I have almost used up my storage space but I can buy more (200 GB) for £2.49 per month.
I don't need that amount of storage space just perhaps another 50 GB.
Has an member had this experience or know of alternatives?
If you trust Google you could download all your current photos/files that you have in iCloud and transfer them to a Google Drive account for £1.59 a month for 100 GB.
Unless you definitely want to keep yours and your wife’s stuff separate you can share the 200Gb between you, this is what we do, and only be 91p more than currently.
Why would you want to store all your personal files in some shed in USA or wherever? Some of those sheds consume more electricity than whole towns, just to archive personal tat! And anyone who's interestd (e.g. the builders of those sheds) can access your stuff and sell it to companies who want to make monmey from selling your personal tastes.
Questman; I keep them on my PC. I must admit that I don't try to archive every move I make, every step I take, every brunch I bake, every smile I fake (but I'll be watching you). :-)
If memory serves me correctly you simply set it up as family storage, I can’t remember exactly but pretty sure I followed this guide