When the men fitted the new fibre - they put the box in my living room - for years I always had it upstairs where when anything would go wrong I could work at the hub. They said they could only put it only there -
Anyway - was on last night for a minute (PC in bedroom) - went to bed. The PC started to update. Left it and just got on about 2 hours ago.
Not connected to the new fibre - had run a diagnostics test and it said I wasn't connected. Then I had to go downstairs lift a wood unit with a lamp on it (that's where the new hub is". Turned it off and on for a few seconds.
Came upstairs and I was connected. Now when I go to browsers - all I get for ages is that bloody blue circle. I am truly fed up.
I knew this would happen that I would have to traipse up and downstairs to this hub.
I am using Edge which is putting me round the Edge. Are there perhaps better browsers out there. Thanks
What exactly are you using? And when you say 'box' do you mean the modem/router or just the modem?
The type of browser wont affect this.
If you think you are not connected an easy way is to start a command prompt (looks like the old DOS window) and type ping www.google.com. It should show 3 times for getting there and back. If not you are not connected to the internet, although you may be connected to your router.