does anyone else think the chorus of this song sounds like or reminds them of "Gazza's Fog on the tyne"? cause i start singing it when ever i hear it.. please help me.
I like Lilly Allen - with the sound off! I find her 'sunny ska pop soundtrack-for-the-summer happy clappy sappy' songs utterly repellent, but she has got lovely skin!
Only heard 2 singles which I initially thought were the same song. I can't decide if she's cute or not. I think she probably is but the knowledge she was shot from Keith Allen's gun barrel is, somehow, preventing me from saying a full-out 'yes'.
By the way I'd hate for anyone to think Fog On The Tyne is solely attributable to Gascoigne (not that that's necessarily what you meant, serendipity) so I'd like to just put in a word for its originators, Lindisfarne.