I believe that I might occasionally do something that I later realise that I should not have said.
I never say 'I' instead one 'one' though, as I understand that need to differentiate between the two things that I really ought to know about.
I sometimes might say 'I' instead of 'we', as I like to make it clear that I will be the one taking the lead when I have to face up to the challenges that I know I will encounter and I know that I will be able to overcome.
I hope that I have made myself clear on a point that I regard as being of importance.
As ferlew said, Meghan Markle does.
In a speech she gave in Manchester recently, she managed to mention herself 54 times apparently.
It doesn't come across very well IMO.
If it is solely about about you then it is difficult to avoid but it should be possible to start some sentences with another word rather than I this, I that. Use words like also, or in addition, so that I is not always the first word.