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Bazile | 11:19 Tue 25th Oct 2022 | Jokes
7 Answers
A camelid is at the checkout in a supermarket putting his shopping away , from the conveyor belt

A friendly store employee asks him - '' Would you like some assistance with your shopping sir ? ''

''No'' he replied - '' Alpaca , myself ''


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Gave me the hump and all, 3t.
Are you trying to pull the wool over our eyes?

Actually the assistant said, llama help you.
Gave me the hump and all, 3t.
yeah foo
can I lift it for you sir, no I can hump it myself thank you
I've been trying Aldi to squeeze a Lidl vicuna pun in without success. ;-(

Assistant says; Aldi everything to help, any Lidl thing, just ask.

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