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Not Heard Much About The Impending Power Cuts Lately

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Tilly2 | 23:02 Tue 01st Nov 2022 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Is it still a possibility?


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Naa there won't be any power cuts, just a lefty wet dream so they can blame it on the government.
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Are you sure? I have been stocking up on candles and torch batteries.
It was national grid worse case scenario planning.
Very unlikely to happen …well unless Russia blows up the under sea pipe that feeds us gas from Norway.
Sure as I can be.
I don't know about the rest of the UK, Tilly, but our power supply has become so unreliable that I have begun to take it very seriously already. We were cut off for over 3 hours a few weeks ago, starting just as it got dark. Not the first cut this year.
No I've not heard much officially, but I have bought 3 camping lanterns (battery operated) as candles could get dangerous in bedrooms. When we moved here (E.Yorks Wolds) I bought a small 2-ring camping gas stove. It has languished in the garage, but I am now in the process of getting it operational.
So, longish cuts are always a possibility here and I rather suspect that they will become more widespread and 'normal'. Successive govts. have ignored the need to be self-sufficient in power and food (which we couldn't believe, surely WW2 gave them an idea) and it behoves us to take precautions. I shall also stock up on canned meat.
We're all in the dark about it.
The travellers that squat and contaminate land where I live in north Devon are well known for selling generators in supermarket carparks, before they move on.
I used to say ‘Why would I want a generator?’ and walk on.
Maybe they will have a reply now lol
Maybe they’re not impending.
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I might get a couple of camping lanterns Jourdain. Thanks for that.
The weather has been so mild recently that gas demand has dropped. Apparently lots of liquified gas carrying ships have anchored up waiting for the prices and demand to rise. The result is we have a form of gas storage in the North Atlantic, meaning the danger of Europe running out of gas has receded.
No power cuts.
This, from a fortnight ago, covers it well:

Basically it means that power cuts are unlikely but can't be totally ruled out. I've got a couple of these though, just in case:
(The light output is quite impressive. B&Q sell them as well, for just 50p extra)
Because there won’t be any.
Just because they are prepared for cuts does not mean they expect them. The UK imports very little energy, and only in the depths of winner when it is very cold. So far th weather in the UK is unseasonably warm.
*winter not winner.
My in-laws are also convinced that we will get power cuts this winter.
GROMIT, "The UK imports very little energy, and only in the depths of winner when it is very cold."

"The UK imports around 50% of its gas from the international market and most homes in England and Wales are heated by mains gas supply. Gas is also used to fuel around a third of the UK's electricity generation"
Why stress out about a vague possibility? We remember and lived through the rolling power cuts of the early 1970s and we lived in an all-electric flat. We had candles and a single burner camping gas which served us fine. Now we have the same camping gas and candles and the bonus of a real fireplace and loads of firewood so would be living in luxury should power cuts actually happen.
"military grade, water-resistant plastic"

They just have to delay selling any more electric cars and we'll be fine. Breaking the news is why Rishi decided to COP it.

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