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And The Winner Of I’m A Celebrity Is ….

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naomi24 | 00:52 Wed 16th Nov 2022 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
…. the lettuce!

How daft! Love it!


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Funny and true :-)
Question Author
And Spud the lettuce would be a worthy winner indeed, arksided. I laughed so much when I saw him last night. Practically crying. So funny.
I didn't think that you would be a person who watched this mindless garbage, naomi! A lettuce just about sums it up does this mean that Hancock and Tindall are cabbages...?
That's very patronising statement DTC
Question Author
Let's just say I'm full of surprises. DTC. I've never regarded finding humour in the ludicrous to be beneath my intellectual prowess. Quite the opposite. I do it every day on here - particularly with those so obviously trying hard to impress. ;o)

The lettuce is a reference to a tabloid's experiment to determine whether Liz Truss's term as PM would outlast the life of a lettuce. In this case Matt Hancock is camp leader and 'Spud', now with comical human features and dressed in his finest, is the lettuce.
Aww he’s even got a little Gillet on Bless him, I find that those who pooh pooh IAC are the ones who know what’s going on in the Jungle ;0)
Let's just say I'm full of surprises. DTC.
no dont lets,
full of the usual - yes I vote for that

they say Mike Tindall will win - has he?
Question Author
//full of the usual - yes I vote for that //

Absolutely, PP. Thank you. :o)
You just know Matt Hancock is going to win. He will be the last to be voted out so he has to keep doing the trials. He's the only interesting one in there as well. I think he has come across as very warm and genuine.
Warm yes, genuine?
Genuine yes - he has opened up to the other camp mates and told them what he really feels and has been honest about his transgressions. People may not like that because of what he did but you cannot argue that he has been open about it.
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I think he's slimy and is saying what he thinks will ingratiate him with people - including the watching public. I'm not sure all the campmates are falling for it either.
The lettuce is hilarious- they obviously have Mr Potato Head toys in Australia too. There's some very clever editing going on here focussing on Matt Hancock and Boy George to a large extent and almost ignoring others. I don't think Hancock will win, don't think the public are that gullible- but time will tell
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Margo, I laughed so much at that, I really did. I was still laughing at it when I went to bed. What a daft pair Ant and Dec are. So funny.
I find myself watching each day to see what the lettuce will be embellished with next, very clever whoever thought of it. I must admit I'm a Celeb is the only thing I watch with them in but they work so well together

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