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Now Even The Bank Of England Acknowledges What A Disaster Brexit Is For The Uk

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Hymie | 00:16 Fri 18th Nov 2022 | Business & Finance
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I can’t believe this is still rumbling on !!!!
FGS we’ve left, get over it man !
A new poll indicates that Brexit had a significant adverse impact on the UK Trade and economy .
Even dyed in the wool Brexiteers are now questioning whether leaving the EU was the right move to make.
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Data from the Bank of England, the Office for National Statistics, the Office for Budget Responsibility and the OECD all show what an absolute disaster Brexit is for the UK – yet Brexiteers refuse to accept the truth.

As I said in an earlier post ‘stupid people don’t change their views to fit the facts, they change the facts to fit their views.’ that is what Brexiteers are doing.
Hymie @ 16.57 . Spot in again.
//As I said in an earlier post ‘stupid people don’t change their views to fit the facts, they change the facts to fit their views.’ that is what Brexiteers are doing.//

The irony...
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It appears I’m not alone in my view of Brexiteers;
and from the audience response, pretty much universal support for the view.

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Now Even The Bank Of England Acknowledges What A Disaster Brexit Is For The Uk

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