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A Very Happy Story Of A Mother And Baby Reunion

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pastafreak | 11:22 Sat 19th Nov 2022 | ChatterBank
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I seen this yesterday.
Absolutely beautiful to see. Who says animals don't have feelings?! Such a powerful moment. You can feel the relief and overpowering love from the mother.
I hope all goes well for them both. A beautiful moment.
That is beautiful
Oh that is so sweet
Awww so lovely to see. Such a caring mummy :o)
Patsy is was Andy Hughes who said animals don't feel fear! Well they sure feel the emotion of happiness don't they. xx
Animal experts now say that animals have the full range of emotions as humans. It is arrogance that we think otherwise.

It was lovely to see the mum reacting to her baby. Chimps are our closest cousins.

Aww that was lovely pasta. Thanks for posting.
That is so lovely....her emotion was so touching.
LB, What does Andy know?!.. :-))
"Animals don't feel fear."
Why do elephants run when they hear a gunshot and one of the herd falls, shot dead?
Andy Hughes who said animals don't feel fear!
well ANdy cant be right, ALL the time, can he?

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A Very Happy Story Of A Mother And Baby Reunion

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