Why is my dog all of a sudden gobbling my house plants? These plants have been around as long as my dog has and he has never bothered them before. Last night at bedtime he wouldn't leave them alone.
This is a long shot but if a plant gets certain pests such as aphids or scale insect, the pests produce a sugary substance called honeydew which is sweet. Usually, a black mould grows on the honeydew (called sooty mould).
I dont know why but it could be some fom of behavoural problem ie bordom, stress or some other bad habit or phase many dogs go through.
Another thing to consider is, has your dog been wormed ?
Not wishing to worry you but some plants are poisonous to pets, some of which I've listed here- Dieffenbachia (dumb cane) Lillium longifolium (Easter lily) Hemerocalis, Cyclemen, Poinsettia and Amaryllis. Hope its none of those but I thought you should Know. Tbird+