Keir Starmer says "I will abolish the House of Lords" to restore trust in Politics . We will replace it with a new a new "Elected Chamber" all this comes after a series of rows between MPs over peerages made By Johnson after he made a number of controversial appointments including his friend Evgeny Lebedev who owns the Evening Standard also Charlotte Owen a young Assistant of Boris's aged 29. Good luck on that one . SIR !
There is a voluntary convention in the House of Lords, the "Salisbury Convention" whereby the Lords will not oppose legislation which was part of the Government's manifesto, which this propposal would likely be.
There are also a couple of Parliament Acts which, under certain circumstances, would allow the Lords to delay legislation but not prevent it becoming law and it could be passed without the Lords' consent.
OG: "Doesn't the HoL need to pass any legislation to disband the HoL ?" - nope, Parliament Act, they could delay it a year at the most. However the main reason they won't abolish it is because it's the MPs OAP home and they all hope to be kicked upstairs someday to enjoy it's privileges and meddle in the activities of the elected house.
Pure vote-catching, which may rebound on him. How I wish Labour could find a decent leader, the only reason we have a Terrible Tory government is because nobody has put up a sufficiently charismatic opposition. I know it's wrong, but charisma rules these days (an attitude arising from Reality TV and its voting propensities.