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My new TV's recpeption

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darkverge | 18:13 Fri 29th Sep 2006 | Technology
1 Answers
I bagged myself a nice little HD Tv from Comets today. It's the biggest I was willing to go to without going ridiculously big. Anyway, when watching TV (where I live), the main TV reception was no so good, even when using a power assisted arial. But the AV quality is excellent. I played Super Smash Bros for hours of 20'' goodness. Anyway, in TV mode I can see rolling bars and the reception isn't too good, even using a power assisted arial. I'm watching in Analouge, so would a Digital freeview box really improve the picture quality?


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If you're getting poor reception from analogue transmissions, you probably won't be able to get any reception at all with Freeview.

You need to upgrade your aerial. The one which is most frequently praised and recommended, here on AB, is this one: T18U&DOY=29m9


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