Now I'm a patient woman and I accept that every night the main television channels are currently drowning us with football … so like any other sensible person who isn't interested in the game, I, without complaint, choose to watch something else. However, this morning pottering in the kitchen, thinking I'd get a bit of general news and chit chat, I decided to switch the television on - something I rarely do - and what was I bombarded with? Football! Why or why do they have to dissect every move, every foul, every goal - every single thing? Isn’t news of the score the following morning enough?
I think the real irritation is that anybody at all interested in it will have seen it before, anyway. They will have watched the match and seen all the follow-up analysis the previous evening.
I hate football with a vengance and always dread the world cup when I know that all the programmes I love will be moved around to accommodate yet another match! I will never understand the obssession with kicking a ball around a field, looks so boring to me. I will be so happy when it's all over. England won't win either!