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HFJL2020 | 16:33 Thu 01st Dec 2022 | Technology
15 Answers
im doing a reset on my dell laptop its not taking the security key tried lower and higher case thank u


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I'm lost, Henry!

Firstly, it's not at all clear to me what you mean when you say that you're trying to 'reset your laptop'. What, exactly, is that you're trying to do?

Further, the only 'security key' that I know of in relation to computers is the wi-fi one, which doesn't come into play at all with most 'resetting' operations that I can think of. (If that is what you're referring to though, you shouldn't need to use it anyway with most modern routers. You simply get your laptop to look for the router and then press the 'WPS' button on the router).
Question Author
i want to wipe everything off my laptop and start afresh
If you live in the West Midlands I'll bob round and do it for you
Buenchicp...on the earlier now removed post i think they said security question .. they had forgot the answer
You constantly seem to be seeking to 'start over again' with your computers, Henry. I'm at a loss to understand why! (In a quarter of a century of using Windows computers, I've only ever reached that stage once or twice).

Is it the Windows password (that 'lets you into' the laptop) that you're referring to, Henry, or something else you come across afterwards?
Chris... could it be the Windows Security Key that's given on the back of the original CD for Henry's Windows OS?
If you go into Settings ... System ... "About" the security key is listed after Device I.D. or Product I.D. on that pop out page. I think that anyone who has done system upgrades to a new O.S. is designated a new Key/ I.D.
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I want to set the laptop back like when I first got it
thank u
We've worked that bit out, Henry. What we're trying to understand though is exactly where it is that you're being asked to enter a security key. Are you simply trying to get into the laptop in order to then be able to reset it or are you part way through some sort of 'reset' process. (If so, what is that process, please?).
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asked to put in security key im tryjng to put in the security from back of router thereset prosses im on trying to put in security
No it surely wants the one for your computer or Windows not your router
Are you trying to log into wifi after doing a reset Henry?
You've still got me confused, Henry. The security key on the back of your router is only for getting it to connect over wi-fi. It has absolutely nothing to do with resetting your laptop in any way at all.

If you're simply trying to get your laptop to connect to wi-fi, don't bother typing anything into the blank field on your screen. Simply go over to your router and press the WPS button instead:

If it's something else that you're trying to do, then the key on the back of your router is irrelevant. We'll need to know what you're doing that brings up the instruction to enter a security key.
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on the screen at the moment it says lets connect you to a network
ihen its got talktalk39325b bt network and it says enter the network securitykey
hope that's help thank u
Try pressing the WPS button on your router for a couple of seconds. (The whole point of having that button is to save you having to type in the security key. Indeed, you don't even need to know the security key).

If that doesn't work, if there's a 'Cancel' or 'Ignore this step' button, or something similar, click on it. Then click the wi-fi connection button at the bottom right of your screen. Click on the description of your network. Ensure that there's a tick next to 'Connect automatically'. Click on 'Connect'. IGNORE the password field. Simply go to your router and press the WPS button for a couple of seconds.

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