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What A ‘Hacky Night Out There

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Bobbisox1 | 18:46 Sat 03rd Dec 2022 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Throwing it down from the heavens !!
Glad to be in and in the warmth


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chilly down here too but still dry - 6°C feels like 3°...down to 1 later.
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It’s the heavy rain DT , but it’s still not cold enough to fall as snow ….yet
sweeping in from deepest Mintyland apparently during the week ahead, the Douglas firs to be covered in the dandruff.
I noticed yesterday that there's some snow on the mountains behind Aviemore.

Deep joy.
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I actually like snow this time of year
wait til the glaciers come back, Douglas......
^^ Nice on Christms morning, Bobbi, though you won't have it this year!
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No, Haz it’ll be sun all the way , we’ve managed to secure a Christmas lunch as well which I’m pleased about
^^ Good for you Bobbi! Remember being in Paguera one Christmas sitting on a beach having a cheese/ham toastie with coffee and Tia Maria for lunch - restaurants all closed No slaving over the cooker!
are you off to Lanzarote AGAIN - visiting those infamous cavas where you end up flat on your back when you emerge?!
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I sure am DT ….and can’t wait

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Sounds perfect Haz
Like DT says, dry down this way...and no rain predicted all week. It's cold though. As long as the wind stays down, I'll be happy.
remember to pack your Belen de Navidad, the turrón, polvorones and mazapan and not forgetting 'las doce uvas en año nuevo' - hic
I'm frozen. Despite his dodgy knee, Mr BM insisted on putting up the external lights today, which of course involved me. I think I may get feeling back in my toes in the next two hours, given I am now sat on top of the fire.
watch out for the blackouts in your neck of the woods now, Barmaid - self or rather OH-induced.

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