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England V. France Kick-Off

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Khandro | 16:19 Sat 10th Dec 2022 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
According to the schedules the kick-off is at 7pm UK time, & the programme on ITV starts at 7 pm. How can that be?


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The programme starts at 6 pm.
Question Author
^^^ The Radio Times online says 7, but I see it has automatically adjusted for continental time, so it's 7 here, thanks.
Apologies, I'd forgotten you're auf dem Kontinent (?) :-)
So an hour of absolute drivel before the game starts. Fifteen minutes would be quite ample:-)
^^^couldn't agree more
Question Author
So the real kick-off will be at 8 here, cheers!
Margo - don’t forget the absolute drivel at half-time. Apologies, I thought it was on BBC,
Stop moaning you lot Tut!
Am I the only one not interested in the football at all and can't wait for it to be over?
Not the only to hate it all.
Load of spitting morons with tattoos and daft haircuts.
England are out of the World football cup Tut!
fitdarren 18.51 No, but we've managed to avoid it quite pleasantly. There were some very interesting programmes on BBC4. Quite what we'll do when they close it down, I dread to think because we watch it most days and find it ideal.
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I hardly ever watch live UK TV & never ITV1, but tonight I did for the football (best team won btw) but I was amazed at the adverts, it seemed to be that 90% of the people in them were, what you could call, 'non-whites', is this normal ?
Oh Khandro, don't mention the war, I did once but I think I got away with it.

It's the importance of being earnest.
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douglas; // Oh Khandro, don't mention the war, I did once but I think I got away with it.//

Are you alluding here to the elephant in the woodpile?
Yes khandro... very noticeable on adverts during Coranation st
But so what? Does sem deliberate but why???
jourdain I've managed to avoid it as well, even though it is constantly talked about on TV and radio all the time! Dare I say it, it was obvious England were not going to bring it home, but every four years the hysteria ramps up and then they are knocked out yet again. Glad it will soon be over.

I didn't know BBC4 was going, what a shame.

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England V. France Kick-Off

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