Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
Tls 1456
6 Answers
19d One inspired by Greek tragedy - Academician with dramatic display for an audience (6)
12d Beethoven's Opus 1 shows Angela mostly playing tennis (11) M?R?E?S?E?N
12d Beethoven's Opus 1 shows Angela mostly playing tennis (11) M?R?E?S?E?N
19d Racine - 'R(oyal) A( cademician)' + 'cine' ("scene", for audience) 12d Merkenstein - '(Angela) Merke(l; mostly)' + anag 'tennis' - "1" in the clue refers to the answer to 1a https:// www. prestomusic. com/ sheet- music/ works/ 251008-- beethoven- merkenstein- op- 100/ browse ^Not a great link, sorry...
13:40 Thu 15th Dec 2022
19d Racine - 'R(oyal) A(cademician)' + 'cine' ("scene", for audience)
12d Merkenstein - '(Angela) Merke(l; mostly)' + anag 'tennis' - "1" in the clue refers to the answer to 1a
https:/ /www.pr estomus ic.com/ sheet-m usic/wo rks/251 008--be ethoven -merken stein-o p-100/b rowse
^Not a great link, sorry...
12d Merkenstein - '(Angela) Merke(l; mostly)' + anag 'tennis' - "1" in the clue refers to the answer to 1a
^Not a great link, sorry...