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brenna_806 | 01:58 Fri 09th Jul 2004 | People & Places
5 Answers
Must you be of nobility or royalty to marry a royal, of any country? I was just wondering, thanks!


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Many have become royalty. Princess of Monaco a former actress. Princess of Netherlands a former journalist. Koo Stark very nearly became royalty.
It's not compulsory to be noble or roayl to marry into the Royal Family - it's just more likely, you probably won't bump into an unmarried Duke or Prince doing your shopping at Tesco, as one tends to get one's shopping done for one.
Does one get one's shopping done for one? I think Charlie is pretty much self-sufficient these days with organic stuff all over his garden. And I bet HMQ uses these days (she likes the three for two offers!)
If you're posting this with Prince William in mind, I regret to inform you that I've already claimed him as my own... ;o)
Actually slimjim, one can only grow a certain amount of what one needs. One has to have toothpaste, toilet rolls, suits, petrol for one's cars, the list goes on. But thank you for thinking of one, one might consider one for some sort of honour next time round, if one can be bothered to remember.

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