You may have your security level set too high, which leads to ZA questioning your every move. Also, bear in mind that ZA is a program which learns your preferences, so make sure you read what it says and press the checkbox to ensure that it remembers if for next time. After ZA is installed, the first time you use any program on the PC, ZA will check it - this is quite right. In the options for ZA there is a way of selecting in one go from a list those progrmas on your PC, those that are allowed access to the internet without your OK and those that you want it to inform you about (question mark) and those that are never allowed (cross). This is found in the "program control" section of the control panel. To get this, right click on the ZA icon in the ystem tray at the bottom of the screen. ZA does give a bit of hassle at the start of using it, but after a short while, it willl have learned your preferences, so persevere. One thing to point out is that you don't need to be told about "informational alerts", which is selected from the "alerts" menu. After a few months, look at ZA's log file and you'll be amazed at the muber of computers that attempt to contact your PC whilst you're working.