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Black Coffee

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JillP | 16:56 Sat 16th Sep 2006 | Phrases & Sayings
28 Answers
Why is it now considered, by the thought police, that asking for black coffee in a restaurant is a racist remark? To what race does black coffee belong? Would asking for white coffee also be considered racist? If anyone can help, I would really appreciate this. I would hate to offend a cup of coffee on my next trip to England.


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that site (capc) is sad reflection of what is happening today. when are we going to wake up and smell the coffee?
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Please, Narolines, check out the website:- and let me know what you think of it. I don't live over there, I only know what I read. There seems to be a lot of political daftness regarding Christmas these days as well. We are supposed to call Christmas Trees, Holiday Trees now as the Christmas season is referred to as the Holiday Season with adverts on the radio and television declaring 'Holiday Greetings' to one and all. I have yet to hear of Santa Claus being renamed Holiday Claus as yet, or indeed of Father Christmas suddenly becoming Father Holiday.
I think the little jam character is still around, but he's just called 'Golly' now. I'm sure you'd be fine saying black (or white) coffee, although if it troubles you too much, just ask for coffee without milk.
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It isn't me that it troubles, it is the thought police that seem to object to it.
If the sheep of Baa Baa-Black Sheep were white or some other colour to start with then I bet someone would argue, Why isn't it called black?
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You have a point there, luna-tic. If it were 'Baa-Baa White Sheep' then that would probably be deemed as discrimation as in, "Why white and not any other colour?"
One of the silliest things I heard was a few years ago when I worked in a school. We were told that the blackboard now had to be referred to as a chalkboard. I do not understand why calling something black is considered racist. Black is a colour just like red or blue.
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Which is why we need to refer to things in the proper way. There are only black or white sheep. Blackboards are black, whiteboards (which you can say without let or hindrance by the thought police) are white.

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