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The British Justice System Is Not Alone In Releasing Prisoners Early.

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ZebuSanctuary | 15:45 Fri 23rd Dec 2022 | News
9 Answers

Perhaps a special concession was granted due to his age?


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10 years and he's already free? What is going on :/
Middle Eastern wars (& beyod) are being carried out on the streets of Europe, this is what happens with unfettered access
// Middle Eastern wars are being carried out on the streets of Europe, //

Isn’t the Terrorist a Frenchman with a racist motive?
Perhaps he has been watching the same videos as Khandri.
this is what happens with unfettered access

that would be OK if the countries that have defended borders ( England, Ukraine, America, israel) have less terrorism - they dont
Gromit, //Isn’t the Terrorist a Frenchman with a racist motive?//

You tell me, you seem to know it all.
If it was simply about race he could take his pick in Paris.

The attacker is reported as an white man aged 69, who had recently been released from prison after attacking black migrants with a machete.
SP ; //The attacker is reported as an white man aged 69, who had recently been released from prison after attacking black migrants with a machete.//

I'm not defending violence in any way, but this guy, who may well be deranged, isn't attacking any particular race, he seems to me to be attacking the very invasion of his country by 'foreigners', as outlined by the excellent, Douglas Murray, see;
Happens in Nepal too.

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