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Acrylic Nails!

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paulakea | 11:45 Thu 21st Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
2 Answers
Ive had acrylics for the last year, infills every 3-4 weeks and complete new ones every few months.
They really grew alot this month but thought id get them infilled one last time and went somewhere different.
They have gone yellowy around the edges and im not overly impressed - if i get a nail buffer do you think i could buff the yellow out myself and then put a top coat on?
Also is there a whitener pen as my whites have grown out and i cant seem to do it with polish!!
Need to get them redone in a couple of weeks but in the meantime?!!!


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Does not sound good, would go back to where you had them done for them to see, maybe infected? I would have them removed let them recover and maybe start again!
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Acrylic Nails!

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