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daftblonde | 18:22 Sat 30th Sep 2006 | Science
4 Answers
how do various metals react when mixed with water and acid?


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lol would help if you mentioned which metals you wanted to know about, what king of acid you meant etc etc
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Reactivity series of metals given by the mnemonic:

Please Send Little Charlie McLean A Zebra If The Lean Horse Cannot Munch Sweet Grass Pleasantly.

Everything above hydrogen (Horse) i.e. potassium to lead can potentially displace hydrogen. The further it is from hydrogen, the easier it is displaced. The stronger the acid, the easier it is displaced. Therefore potassium to magnesium will displace H from water and potassium to lead will displace it from acids. N.B. Aluminium gets a protective oxide coating that can block the reaction.

Metals below hydrogen in the list cannot release hydrogen but can react with acids in various other ways. e.g. copper + nitric acid releases poisonous brown fumes of NO2.
This is just too much my brain hurts now.

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