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Butterflies And Death.

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gness | 16:12 Fri 30th Dec 2022 | ChatterBank
42 Answers
Many people believe that shortly after death a butterfly will appear with a message from the deceased.
There was a funeral in the village church yesterday and the priest was eulogising at, I'm told, some length.
A butterfly entered the church, circled the congregation then landed between the priests eyes.

The priest announced....Hmmm...I think W. has sent the butterfly to tell me to stop talking and get on with the service. :-)


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I'll bet she did, Barsel! When I was a child in Mayo I needed a wee which meant going behind the hedge in the field. I had to wait til Granny came home. It was dark.
As Granny came in and I was about to go our she said.....I'm late. I was a long time talking to Tommy McG. He's out there sitting on the wall.
Tommy McG had died a few weeks before.
I decided to sit back down and just keep my legs crossed til it was light.
Lol Gness x

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