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answers are modes of transport

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i'mbraindead | 12:24 Sun 01st Oct 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
1. a short shirt from Scotland in the 19th century (5,4)
2. a burnt offering finishes with a wallop (9)
3. plenty of room on the boat? (9)
4. a black singer gets in a muddle following a dishonourable man (8)
5. a small animal loses it's tail with l in line (9)
6. this train has a good reason to start (10)
7. to score: but not straightforward


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3 spaceship
anagram of to score-scooter
2 Charabanc(g)
6) Locomotive
5) Limousine
1. Cutty Sark

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answers are modes of transport

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