Law1 min ago
Dm Literary Quiz
26 Answers
Been trying most of today to get the final two:
According to the book 'From Strength To Strength' about ageing, doctors reach their intellectual peak at what age: 30s, 40s or 50s?
What is the top poison measured by the number of criminal cases in the UK: arsenic, cyanide or strychnine?
I think I've exhausted all sources, so any help gratefully received!
According to the book 'From Strength To Strength' about ageing, doctors reach their intellectual peak at what age: 30s, 40s or 50s?
What is the top poison measured by the number of criminal cases in the UK: arsenic, cyanide or strychnine?
I think I've exhausted all sources, so any help gratefully received!
Quote: "Or take doctors: they appear to peak in their thirties, with steep drop-offs in skill as the years pass" Source: https:// paminy. com/ book- summary- strength- finding- success- happiness- deep- purpose- second- half- life/
18:04 Sat 31st Dec 2022
Surveyor69, here's the picture
https:/ /www.mi .uk/new s/techn ology-s cience/ technol ogy/rai lway-ch ildren- author- edith-n esbits- 2169595 .amp