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Good Morning Early Birds

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Redhelen72 | 05:16 Thu 05th Jan 2023 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
Another late start today
Nearly the end of the week
Just off to feed the dogs but will be back shortly.


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Good Morning to you. Going to one of the local stitchers groups this morning, nice ladies then a bit of shopping for week end and I won't need to go out again. Unless I get a last minute CT booking.

Good morning back at you RedHelen, I hope you had a grand sleep last night and feel good today :) A late start sounds lovely. Take care all.
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Morning Choux a very peaceful and restful sleep thank you.
I hope your situation is improving xx
I accidentally logged myself out and decided to stay that way due to all the turmoil and nasty stuff going on.
However, just had to log on again to say how pleased I am for you Helen, that things have been sorted out. Sensible people didn’t believe a word of it anyway x
Oh, and good morning :)

That ^^^^ was a slip of the finger
But...Good Morning anyway :)
I thought you'd lost your voice, Pasta. :-)
**chortlesplutter** !!!

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Good Morning Early Birds

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