Law1 min ago
Tls 1458
2 Answers
Struggling with these last three.
3 down - Writer of perception certainly, but not at first (8) K?N?A?L?
6 down - One with opponents, including soldiers who won't help bury her brother (6) I?M?N?
16 across - Greek giant pots just uncovered (4) ?T?S - I think this is Otus, but can't explain why except that Otus was a Greek giant.
3 down - Writer of perception certainly, but not at first (8) K?N?A?L?
6 down - One with opponents, including soldiers who won't help bury her brother (6) I?M?N?
16 across - Greek giant pots just uncovered (4) ?T?S - I think this is Otus, but can't explain why except that Otus was a Greek giant.
3d Keneally - 'ken' (perception) + '(r)eally' (not at first) 6d Ismene - 'I' (one) + 's(outh) & e(ast)' (opponents) round 'men' (soldiers) 16a Otus - '(p)ot(s) (j)us(t)' (uncovered)
19:05 Thu 05th Jan 2023