i dont really understand what you mean by "play the dyslexic card"
my advice from being both a disabled person and a non-disabled person applying for jobs AND someone who has conducted interviews is just to be honest and be yourself. Emplyers want people for what they can bring to the job, and then if there are any extra things they have to consider, they usually do so AFTER they have appointed. It has always worked for me. In fact, in my last job i arrived to interview in a wheelchair (and asked in advance for a disabld-friendly room to be available) the interviewers didnt ask me anything about my disability (because its none of their business, as long as i can carry out the duties they want me to) The only thing they asked me was if i could drive and had access to a car - bt they asked EVERY candidate that. In my experience of interviewing, you have to ask the same questions to every candidate