i only stumbled across this site the a couple of days ago and cant stop going on it! I have internet access all day, and every now and then when I am doing my internet research I may pop in on it!
I too dont do as much work as I would like to. I paniced yesterday morning because the guy from IT had been on my computer and I had to delete his log-in. I thought he was looking at my internet history but spotted a little button he had added as a shortcut to some fax package!
Hooray - I havent been caught yet!
Ah sheer bliss - have left the world of work behind me, so I can pop onto AB in between doing housework, (rarely) weeding & watering the garden, (more often), having a break from reading a book (even more frequently) and escaping from the TV downstairs when my husband is watching World Cup Football. (Most of the time !)
i only found this website today when i was searching something on the internet and have been on it since! i have asked qs and answered its great cos im always so bored in the day bein a single parent!