ive just signed on the dole after being out of employment for 2 years whilst caring for my daughter, to be honest i didnt even think id be entitled to anything until i made a online query on direct.gov but i recieved a call last wednesday asking me to go down to the job center and officially register or something. I was then told to sign on on the monday morn, which i did also. What my query is, is that ive not recieved anything in writing about how much im entitled to etc or when im going to be paid. How does this work????? ive never signed on in my life or recieved any benefits so i dont know what happening
oh right yeah it does, thanks! finally had a letter through now from job centre, they want 3 of my partners wage slips so finger scrossed this will be all sorted soon or that i finally get a 'yes the jobs yours' soon