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New Year, New Atrocity.

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sandyRoe | 13:18 Sun 22nd Jan 2023 | News
37 Answers
At least 20 shot and 10 dead in the latest murderous outrage, this time in California.
There will never be any change in American gun laws so where are all the 'good guys' with guns prepared to defend the innocent?



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As i said sunny-dave"till the last screw on the last coffin"of IRA apologists is finally screwed down....
Apologies for using the wrong name - autocorrect changed ynnafymmi
to myfanwy.
This thread is about a mass murder in California, not about a car bomb in Ulster twenty-five year ago or anything else related to The Troubles.
I'm about as far from an IRA apologist as you can get - I was in the Odeon Birmingham when the *** bombed the pub next door.

But I'm not so one-eyed that I can't see the barbarity of much of the British Empire's actions in Ireland - there is (much) wrong on both sides that must not be ignored.
Sorry TCL - I'll stop now.
Went to stay with friends in Florida and both of them had semi automatic pistols which they kept at home (just in case) They said you would never get into a an altercation with another motorist if they cut you up or did something to upset you because they might be "packing" That's how it is there. I went to a gun range and had a shooting session with the semi automatic. I quite enjoyed it actually and had a bit of a knack for it. The range had a huge gun shop attached to it where you could buy every kind of gun you could think of. They even had trial ones where you pull the trigger to get a feel of it. Scary really.
Stricter controls and changes to gun ownership in the US are highly unlikely ever to happen. Well, certainly in my lifetime.

Everytime it comes up for discussion in the Senate, proposals put forward by the Democrats are thwarted by the Republicans.

The cloture motion (a motion to end debate on a bill), requires 60 votes overall. In the event a 'supermajority' cannot be reached, the bill cannot be closed and voting in the Senate is unable to proceed. The measure is then said to have been filibustered.

With 49 Republicans supporting gun ownership, how on earth is the upper chamber of congress ever going to effect change?
Even the democrats would not change it if they could, it's political suicide.
It's sad, but it's their problem, or if they don't think it's a problem, then fine, it's not a problem.

Either way, I'm glad I don't live there.
// Either way, I'm glad I don't live there. //

Will it stop you visiting though?
Kuiperbelt, no it wouldn't. I'll take my chances as a tourist for a couple of weeks every few years. Just as I would in alot of places I'm thankful I can come home from after the holiday is over.
Hang on, this is California where they do actually have some of the most restrictive rules in the USA.

As I have said before, the problem is a social one, take away the guns and something else will be used. People running down cars here in the UK strike and chords?

And, I have still not seen anyone tell me how they would propose getting rid of 400 million guns from the USA. Especially from the criminals, nor has anyone addressed the issue of people who do not have any law enforcement on hand. And that is a fair bit of the USA outside the cities.
Do people realise that this is the 36th mass shooting in America SO FAR THIS YEAR?

Three weeks and 36 mass shootings. This is America in 2023.
The facts do not support your theory that accessibility of guns is not the problem ymb. How many deliberate mass running over of people with cars have we had this year for example?

But yes, I agree it'll never change. As I said, their problem.
Seven more yesterday (Mon). Dear god. :-(
Time moves at a phenomenal rate. Do you remember the Chernobyl disaster...?
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