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Miss Or Madam? When?

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joko | 02:38 Fri 27th Jan 2023 | Society & Culture
19 Answers
What age do think people start calling women madam?

Do you have a 'set' age? Or is there a vague idea?

Just curious

Thanks :)


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I'd say 'Miss' for anyone mid-thirties and younger, and 'Ma'am'/'Madam' from mid-thirties onwards.

I'd probably say 'this young lady/that young lady' if referring to a woman less than 30-40 years old, and then just lady if over 40 years old.

It has been a long time since I've had to address anyone, so maybe I'm not the best person to answer this! :p
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In my lifetime, there was a new term invented to address a grown female (any age). It's Ms. (pronounced mzz). It isn't short for anything, it was devised because there is no need to know if a grown female is single (Miss) or married (Mrs.) in order to address her formally.

I'm a 78 year old female, and if someone in this day and age addressed me as "madam" (or "ma'am"), I would probably be startled. It's not offensive, just surprising and old fashioned. So whatever the age of an adult female, you can safely address her as Ms.
It's a minefield I try to avoid these days, I can't judge age. We need a word that is polite but not over familiar and addresses people of all ages, genders and those who identify as babies, baboons or aliens.
'Oy you' doesn't seem to do, somehow.
anything but "babe" or "hun" !!
Morning Minty. Mi Lover seems to cover everything over 30 around here.
wotcha Ladyjan x
I think ‘Ms’ stands for misery. Women who insist on being referred to like that always seem sour.
lol Ladyjan !!
What a lovely dark morning it is at the moment. However on the happy side I put out and got dry three full loads of washing yesterday. Busy little bee me I then went to Hayle shopping.
I work in France and Madame is over 25, but be careful, married or a Mum
Yes I remember that JohnK. In fact it applied to any woman who had young children with her. But Mam'zelle up to 30 if not.
I’m often quite stunned when I’m called Madam - I’m 52 - in an upmarket restaurant. (I don’t go to many nowadays, though.)

Husband refers to young waitresses as Miss, which is excruciating. Like calling a French waiter ‘Garçon’. Just say ‘Excuse me’ if you need her attention.

Cloverjo, how do address young waitresses?
most wear name badges these days I simply use their names! or an excuse me to grab attention
I say ‘Thank you’ or ‘Excuse me’.
Mz was obviously invented for the women embarrassed for it to be know that they were left on the shelf.

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Miss Or Madam? When?

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